Meeting Summary

Summary of the 11th APEC Expert Group on Energy Data and Analysis Meeting
March 6-7, 2000, Tokyo

The 11th Meeting of the APEC Expert Group on Energy Data and Analysis (EGEDA) was held on 6 and 7 March 2000 at the Toranomon Pastoral, Tokyo, Japan, chaired by Mr. Kenichi Matsui. Representatives from Australia; Brunei Darussalam; Canada; Chile; People's Republic of China; Hong Kong, China; Indonesia; Japan; Republic of Korea; Malaysia; New Zealand; Philippines; Chinese Taipei; Thailand; and United States of America attended the meeting. Representatives from the Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre (APERC) were also present. A list of representatives to the meeting is provided in Annex 1.

The meeting commenced with the welcome address by Mr. Yoshihisa Akiba, Deputy Director, Energy Policy Planning Division, Agency of Natural Resources and Energy, Ministry of International Trade and Industry, Japan.

The meeting had the following four discussion items.

  1. Current Status of the APEC Energy Statistics
  2. Activities of APERC
  3. Future Role and Activities of EGEDA
  4. Other Business
1. Current Status of the APEC Energy Statistics

Mr. Shigeru Kimura, senior researcher of the Energy Data and Modelling Center, Coordinating Agency (CA) of this Group reported that the CA had collected annual data for 1998 and quarterly data for 1999. He pointed out that there are still problems in data collection in terms of the timing of submissions and the consistency of the data. He urged members to submit consistent data in a timely manner.

Provision of a table of carbon dioxide emissions from member economies was discussed. It was proposed that this would be based on energy data from the APEC Energy Database and on emission factors developed and used by the International Energy Agency. Some concerns were expressed that the resulting estimates would be inconsistent with member economies' official estimates. Consequently, it was agreed that the Coordinating Agency will prepare the table and distribute it internally to EGEDA members for their comments.

Mr. Kimura presented the Overview of the APEC Energy Situation. He reported that total primary energy supply in the APEC Region grew at an average annual rate of 2.5 per cent between 1980 and 1997. Total final energy consumption grew at an average annual rate of 2.0 per cent over the same period. The Coordinating Agency's presentation materials are provided in Annex 2.

Mr. Kimura distributed a copy of the "Handbook of APEC Energy Statistics 1997", a handy summary of the "APEC Energy Statistics". He reported that this edition of the handbook was printed by the CA but from the next issue it will be published by the APEC Secretariat.

The CA then demonstrated the APEC Energy Database.

2. Activities of APERC

Mr. Keiichi Yokobori, President of APERC, reported on APERC's 1999 activities. This report is provided at Annex 3a. This was followed by a brief presentation of each of the six current research projects: Energy Pricing Practices and their Implications for Energy Efficiency, the Environment and Supply Infrastructure; Energy Efficiency Indicators for Industry; Costs and Benefits of Large-Scale Natural Gas Developments; Regional Power Interconnections in the APEC Region; Deregulation and Privatisation of the Electricity Sector in APEC Economies; and Emergency Oil Stocks and APEC Energy Security. A report on each of these projects will be published by end-April 2000.

APERC then presented two new project proposals: a case study of the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), and development of a New and Renewable Energy (NRE) Database.

Mr. Yokobori explained that four of the six current projects would be continued into the next financial year, two of which would be merged into a single project. Hence there will be five projects in 2000 as follows:

  1. Energy Pricing Practices and their Implications for Energy Efficiency, the Environment and Supply Infrastructure;
  2. Energy Efficiency Indicators for Industry;
  3. Energy Infrastructure Development (which combines the two projects on electricity interconnections and natural gas developments);
  4. Energy and Environment Projects in the APEC Region: a case study of a CDM project (new project); and
  5. Improving Data Quality and Policy Framework in New and Renewable Energy (new project).

In addition, The Energy Demand and Supply Outlook will be updated in 2001, but some preparatory work will commence in the second half of 2000.

The representative from the United States raised questions about both new projects. Concerning the CDM project, he encouraged that both short-term and long-term benefits be factored into the cost and benefit analysis. With regard to the New and Renewable Energy project he pointed out the difficulties involved in the database establishment, in particular in collecting biomass energy data. He asked if a new approach had been developed to achieve the goal of developing a renewables database.

APERC responded that the CDM project would take into account both short-term and long-term benefits as long as they are quantifiable. The NRE project would not involve an application of new techniques for the quantification of the biomass sources, but would rather build on the experiences of developed economies that could be useful to the developing economies.

The representative of Canada suggested that the CDM project should focus on some of the important policy issues, such as supplementarity, additionality and development of a baseline from which to work. He also expressed his reservations about the NRE project, especially an attempt to develop a database. He felt that the project could be quite different, and potentially much more useful, if it focused on key policy issues and discussions about the role of renewables in future power systems.

APERC commented that an attempt would be made to make the NRE project more policy oriented than existing studies. Mr. Yokobori also assured the Group that United States and Canada's comments would be considered together with the outcome of the most recent meeting of the APEC Expert Group on New and Renewable Energy Technologies which was attended by an APERC representative.

After discussion the Group recorded its appreciation to APERC for the completion of its research activities and its significant contribution to the policy discussion in APEC for a. The Group judged as appropriate APERC's proposed research projects for 2000/2001.

It was also noted that the EWG has suggested a closer relationship between itself and APERC. Canada suggested that EGEDA provide some advice or guidance on that proposed relationship. Mr. Yokobori explained that there was no problem with the current situation. However, as one way to address this concern, the EWG had agreed that APERC would hold a half-day workshop prior to the EWG-19 in Brunei Darussalam where most of the EWG members will be present. This would provide an opportunity for APERC to present its work program to the EWG and to solicit input from that body. The agenda for the workshop is provided at Annex 3b.

3. Future Role of the Expert Group

The Group discussed how to be more proactive in its oversighting of the research activities of APERC and how to respond to the EWG's increasing need for information and analysis in its policy oriented discussion in compliance with the revised terms of reference of the Group which was approved at the 15th EWG Meeting in March 1998.

Australia proposed that the Group produce an annual "APEC Energy Overview" consisting of an energy demand and supply analysis and an overview of recent energy developments in each member economy. This proposal is attached at Annex 4. In this Overview, no evaluation of, nor recommendation regarding, a member economy's energy policies will be included. The Australian proposal suggests that the first part will be undertaken by the current Coordinating Agency using the APEC Energy Database. It further suggests that the second part could be coordinated by APERC.

The Australian proposal noted that the second part of the Overview would require a written submission by each member economy. How each member economy would respond to this work would be for their own determination. The proposal suggested that the 'Statement on Notable Energy Developments' provided by EWG delegates to each EWG Meeting could be a useful source document for this report.

The Group supported the direction of this proposal and agreed to forward it to the upcoming EWG Meeting for approval. The Group considered that the Statement on Notable Energy Developments could be a valuable input to this activity. If approved by the EWG, the Group, jointly with APERC, will work out an Operational Plan by end-October 2000 including the depth of coverage, time schedule and means of release, taking into account the resource base and work schedule of APERC and the capacity of each economy to carry out this activity. Australia agreed to produce a sample document for the Australian economy and will distribute this to member economies for reference.

The Group supported the proposal from New Zealand to co-endorse with the Expert Group on Energy Efficiency and Conservation a project proposal on High Quality Energy Efficiency Indicator Development. This proposal is attached at Annex 5.

4. Other Business

The Group agreed to request US$ 30,000 from the APEC Central Fund for 2001/2002 for the publication of "APEC Energy Statistics", "Handbook of APEC Energy Statistics", "APEC Energy Overview" and to produce and distribute APEC Energy Statistics on CD-ROM.

The Group adopted revised Terms of Reference for EGEDA. These incorporate the new tasks and activities of the Group that have been adopted since the last Terms of Reference were accepted. The previous and revised Terms of Reference are attached at Annex 6.

The Chair's nomination of Ms. Karen Schneider, Australia, as Vice-Chair of the Group, who assists the Chair's job, was approved unanimously by the Group.

Hong Kong, China expressed its intention to host the 12th Meeting of this Group in late March 2001 in Hong Kong. The Group welcomed this offer.

Lastly, on behalf of all participants, the Chairman expressed his appreciation to the Government of Japan for excellently hosting the Meeting.