Meeting Summary

16th Meeting of the APEC Expert Group on Energy Data and Analysis
Beijing, People's Republic of China, 2 and 3 February 2005

The 16th Meeting of the APEC Expert Group on Energy Data and Analysis (EGEDA) was held on 2 and 3 February 2005 at the Minzu Hotel, Beijing, People's Republic of China. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Kenichi Matsui, Councillor, Energy Data and Modelling Unit (EDMC), Institute of Energy Economics Japan. Representatives from Australia; Brunei Darussalam; Canada; People's Republic of China; Hong Kong, China; Japan; Malaysia; Chinese Taipei; United States of America; and Vietnam attended the meeting. Representatives of the Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre (APERC) were also present. A representative of the International Energy Agency (IEA) attended the meeting as an observer. A list of participants at the meeting is provided in Annex.

The meeting commenced with a welcome address by Mr. Ren Caifang, Director General and Senior Statistician, Department of Industry and Transport Statistics, National Bureau of Statistics of China, and an opening address by Mr. Kenichi Matsui.

The meeting discussed the following items:

  1. APEC energy statistics
  2. Monthly oil and gas data collection
  3. New format for energy data collection
  4. APERC's research activities
  5. Other business

Before starting discussion, the Group observed a minute's silence out of respect for the victims of the recent tsunami in the APEC region. The Group agreed to the Chair's nomination of Ms. Karen Schneider, Australia, as Vice-Chair of EGEDA for this meeting.

Session 1. APEC energy statistics

Mr. Shigeru Kimura, Deputy General Manager of the Energy Data and Modelling Unit (EDMC), the Institute of Energy Economics, Japan, assigned as the Coordinating Agency (CA) of this Group, reported that the CA was currently collecting annual data for 2003 and quarterly data for 2004. He pointed out that there are still problems in data collection in terms of the timing of submissions and the consistency of data. He urged members to submit consistent data in a timely manner, especially in relation to quarterly data.

Mr. Kimura also reported on the status of the collection of CO2 emission data. He again urged economies to continue to cooperate on the submission of all data requested by the CA.

Mr. Kimura presented an overview of the APEC energy situation. He reported that total primary energy supply in the APEC region grew at an average annual rate of 2.0 per cent between 1980 and 2002. Total final energy consumption grew at an average annual rate of 1.6 per cent over the same period.

Session 2. Monthly oil and gas data collection

Dr. Jean-Yves Garnier, representing the IEA, reported recent developments in the Joint Oil Data Initiative (JODI) and planned activities in 2005. Mr. Kimura reported the situation of the monthly oil data collection in the APEC region.

In the APEC region, there has been an improvement in the timeliness and coverage of data reported under JODI but completeness and accuracy remain ongoing issues in some economies. Several economies were urged to improve the completeness and accuracy of their data and the timeliness of their submissions. Referring to the decision at the 5th JODI conference in Bali, Indonesia in October 2004, that the JODI database shall be open publicly in 2005, first for the data of the top 30 oil producing, consuming and stock holding economies and then for those of all JODI member economies, both Dr. Garnier and Mr. Kimura emphasized the critical importance of complete and accurate data for the success of the Initiative.

The CA referred to the proposal of the Japanese Government at the 28th EWG Meeting in Port Douglas, Australia in November 2004 to collect monthly natural gas supply data in order to support the APEC Energy Security Initiative, which includes natural gas trade. In this context, the CA proposed to commence the collection of monthly natural gas supply data on a trial basis for this year. The group discussed the issue and decided not to agree to the CA's proposal until further guidance was sought from the EWG at its next meeting in Hanoi, Viet Nam in March 2005.

Session 3. New format for annual data colle

The CA proposed a new format for the collection of Annual Energy Demand and Supply Data in the APEC region. The objectives in the proposal are to release more reliable energy balance tables and to reduce the burden on member economies that report to more than one organization.

After discussion, it was agreed to apply the new format using fixed energy units where possible. Those economies that prefer to use alternative units will be permitted to do so.

The CA also informed the Group that a training program on the use of the new format would be organized to take place in Tokyo around the middle of 2005.

Session 4. APERC's research activities

4a APEC Energy Overview
Mr. Desiderio Anora Fuerte, Senior Researcher of APERC, provided a description of the key statistics and trends evident in the "APEC Energy Overview", to be published in February 2005. Mr. Fuerte stressed the importance of member economies continuing to provide APERC with assistance in the preparation of the Overview. In particular, Mr. Fuerte noted the importance of economies providing information on notable energy developments and in assisting with the compilation and correction of information and statistics.

4b Report on 2004 research activities
Mr. Masaharu Fujitomi, President of APERC, and Dr. Yonghun Jung, Vice President of APERC, provided an overview of APERC's 2004-2005 research activities. These consist of the APEC Energy Demand and Supply Outlook and the study on New and Renewable Energy in the Power Generation Sector, 2004.

4c Proposal for 2005 research themes
Mr. Fujitomi, informed the Group that, in 2005, APERC would continue its research on the APEC Energy Demand and Supply Outlook. It would also provide extended study on New and Renewable Energy by July 2005. Dr. Jung made a presentation on the structure and methodology to be employed in the new energy outlook study. He emphasized the changes that would be made compared with the previous outlook, the extensive data requirements of the study and the key issues that would be addressed. Mr. Fujitomi outlined the structure of the extended New and Renewable Energy Study, including the proposal to examine marginal cost curves for key technologies.

4d Report from Advisory Groups and discussion of APERC activities
Ms. Yukari Yamashita reported that work on the outlook was underway and on schedule. She identified that the modeling structure was being developed and that data sources were being investigated. She noted that the timetable for the completion of the outlook included preparation of initial projections of APEC energy demand for review by EGEDA members in September; a workshop in October; revision to the projections in November; and circulation of a draft report for comment to EGEDA and Advisory Group members in December 2005. This timetable may extend to early 2006, depending on resource availability in APERC.

Mr. Louis DeMouy on behalf of Ms. Linda Doman reported that the first phase report of the New and Renewable Energy project is now complete and is being prepared for publication. The report will provide an informative reference source that includes the current status of New and Renewable Energy in APEC as well as its consideration of the potential for NRE in the long term. The report will be a useful document for the extended study on NRE that focuses on economic factors necessary to increase the penetration of these technologies in the medium to longer term.

Session 5. Other business

5a Review of terms of reference
The Group agreed to the following revisions to the EGEDA Terms of Reference:

  1. To number the specific objectives in Section C. OBJECTIVES and items in Section D. ORGANIZATIONAL ASPECTS AND OPERATION.
  2. To add the following sentence as part 5 of Section C. OBJECTIVES:
    To collect Monthly Oil Data of APEC economies in support of the Joint Oil Data Initiative which started in June 2001 as a joint activity of APEC, EUROSTAT, IEA, OLADE, OPEC and UNSD.
  3. To renumber existing points 5 and 6 in part 5 of Section C as points 6 and 7,

5b Proposal for 2006 APEC Operational Fund
The Group agreed to the proposal put forward by Japan to seek funding of US$20,000 from the APEC Operational Fund to support the work of the Group.

5c Election of the chair
The Group accepted with appreciation the nomination of Mr. Kenichi Matsui as Chair of EGEDA for the next three years. Mr. Matsui's nomination of Vice Chair Ms. Jane Melanie, Manager, International Cooperation, Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics (ABARE) was also approved by the Group.

Session 6. Summary session

The summary record of the meeting was presented and accepted as a true and accurate record of the meeting.

The Chair conveyed Indonesia's offer to host the 17th Meeting of EGEDA in Indonesia, in early 2006. The Group welcomed this generous offer.

Lastly, Mr. Xu Jianyi, Deputy Director General and Senior Statistician, Department of Industry and Transport Statistics, National Bureau of Statistics of China, made a closing address. The Chair expressed his appreciation to the Government of the People's Republic of China on behalf of all participants for excellently hosting the meeting.