Meeting Summary

The 18th Meeting of the APEC Expert Group on Energy Data and Analysis
Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, 12 and 13 March 2007

The 18th Meeting of the APEC Expert Group on Energy Data and Analysis (EGEDA) was held on 12 and 13 March 2007 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
The meeting was hosted by the Department of Petroleum and Energy, Papua New Guinea. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Kenichi Matsui, Councillor, Energy Data and Modelling Unit (EDMC), Institute of Energy Economics Japan (IEEJ). Representatives from Australia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea and Chinese Taipei attended the meeting. Representatives of the Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre (APERC) were also present. A representative of the International Energy Agency (IEA) attended the meeting as an observer. The list of participants at the meeting is provided in Annex.

The meeting commenced with a welcome address by Acting Secretary, Mr. Bernard Pawih of the Department of Petroleum and Energy, Papua New Guinea, followed by a thanking and opening address by Mr. Kenichi Matsui.
The meeting discussed the following items:

  1. APEC energy statistics
  2. Monthly oil data collection
  3. Natural gas data collection
  4. Energy Efficiency Indicators
  5. APERC's research activities
  6. Other business
  7. Summary session

1. APEC energy statistics

Mr. Shigeru Kimura, General Manager, EDMC/IEEJ, assigned as the Coordinating Agency (CA) of this Group, made a report on the Annual Energy Data Collection for 2004 and 2005. A question was raised on the statistical difference and discussion was made on the point. Mr. Kimura also noted that while the accuracy and timeliness of submissions from member economies has significantly improved, there are still some problems in terms of timing and consistency. Mr. Kimura urged members to submit consistent data in a timely manner.
Ms. Momoko Aoshima, Researcher, EDMC/IEEJ made a report on Quarterly Data for 2006 and on CO2 Emission Data Collection for 2004. The importance of accounting for fuel bunkering and military energy use were discussed. It was noted that accurately accounting for the CO2 emissions associated with bunkers is an important area for future attention. Expanding the APEC energy dataset to include biofuels was also discussed and supported by the group.
Then Mr. Kimura made a report on Major Economic Indicators and APEC Energy Database. Mr. Kimura noted the APEC Energy Database website received over 94,000 visits during 2006, illustrating how the database is used widely by analysts and researchers worldwide.
Mr. Edito Barcelona, Senior Researcher, EDMC/IEEJ, presented an overview of the APEC Energy situation. He reported that total primary energy supply in the APEC region grew at an annual rate of 6.4% between 2003 and 2004 while that of GDP was 4.4%. Mr. Barcelona also outlined recent trends in aggregate energy intensities for APEC member economies. This prompted discussion about potential problems from using aggregate energy intensity measures for cross-country comparisons. Supplementing aggregate trends with sub-sectoral analysis was one suggestion that was made.

2. Monthly oil data collection

Mr. Jean-Yves Garnier, Head of Statistics Division, IEA, reported on Joint Oil Data Initiative (JODI) activities. Mr. Garnier reported the JODI database was successfully released on 19 November 2005 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. He noted a detailed manual has been developed by the seven participating organizations to assist producers and consumers submit accurate data, and oil analysts access data. Training workshops were also convened in August 2006 (in South America) and January 2007 (South Africa) to assist economies in these regions participate in the JODI activity. Two further training workshops will be held in 2007 to engage economies in the regions of the Caspian Sea and the Middle East and North Africa.
Mr. Garnier noted JODI had strong political support and was an example of where statistics and the collection of statistics is visibly important.
Mr. Barcelona reported the situation of the monthly oil data collection in the APEC region.
Across APEC members, there has been an improvement in the timeliness of data reported under JODI but completeness and accuracy remain ongoing issues for some economies. Economies were encouraged to continue to work to improve the completeness and accuracy of their data and the timeliness of their submissions.
It was also noted that the JODI data area on the APEC Energy Database regularly receives over 60,000 visits a month. A significant proportion of these visits are understood to come from automatic search engines or data miners that are bypassing the home page of the APEC Energy Database.

3. Natural gas data collection

Ms. Aoshima reported on the three month trial collection of monthly natural gas production, trade and stocks statistics from non-OECD members (OECD member economies already submit monthly gas statistics to the IEA). The collection covered the period September to November 2006.
Ms. Aoshima noted the quality of data submitted was relatively high and 8 of 14 non-OECD member economies submitted data, which was considered encouraging. However, the completeness of data submitted was an issue of concern. After discussion, EGEDA agreed to extend the trial collection for another three month period (December 06 to February 07). An evaluation of the trial collection will then be completed by the CA and a report submitted to EGEDA.

4. Energy efficiency indicators

Mr. Kimura reported on the collection of data in support of the energy efficiency indicators project being undertaken by the Expert Group on Energy Efficiency and Conservation (EGEE&C). He presented several indicators for APEC economies calculated from the APEC Energy Database to illustrate the coverage and depth of statistics that are currently available in the database.
Mr. Juen-Shen Wei, Section Chief, Planning Division, Bureau of Energy, Chinese Taipei, reported on the availability of data for the calculation of energy efficiency indicators in Chinese Taipei. Mr. Zaharin Zulkifli, Research Officer, Malaysian Energy Center, reported on the availability of data in Malaysia.
Mr. Kimura requested EGEDA focal points to complete the APEC template that has been distributed to all members and return to the CA if data are available, so energy efficiency indicators can be calculated as previously discussed and agreed.

5. APERC's research activities

5a APEC Energy Overview
Mr. Satoshi Nakanishi, General Manager, APERC outlined the energy situation in the APEC region based on the "APEC Energy Overview 2006" published in February 2007. Mr. Nakanishi stressed the importance of the continued support from member economies in the preparation of the overview. In particular, Mr. Nakanishi requested that member economies provide information on notable energy developments in time for the compilation and correction of data and information.

5b Report on 2006 Reserarch Activities
Mr. Susumu Kuramoto, President, APERC, reported on the research activities successfully completed by APERC in 2006. Mr. Kuramoto briefly introduced the research projects completed by APERC in the past and reported on the specific outcomes of the 2006-07 program.
In 2006, APERC conducted three research projects:
1. Urban Development and Transportation Energy Demand
2. Understanding International Energy Initiatives
3. A Quest for Energy Security in the 21st Century.
Mr. Kuramoto also noted a number of extension activities and collaborations undertaken by APERC with other international research organizations. EGEDA members noted the continued high quality of APERC's research and congratulated APERC on the successful completion of this program.

5c Proposal for 2007 research themes
Dr. Yonghun Jung, Vice-President, APERC proposed four research projects to constitute the 2007 program of research for APERC. The proposed projects are: 1 Energy Efficiency in the APEC Region
2 Understanding International Energy Initiatives - Phase II
3 Economy Review of China
4 Urban Transport Energy Use in the APEC Region- Phase II
Following discussion, EGEDA members agreed the proposals were proper and timely research themes which were responding to evident EWG and APEC priorities.

5d Report from Advisory Group and Discussion of APERC Activities

Two Project Advisory Group (PAG) reports were provided to the meeting covering: Understanding International Energy Initiatives; and A Quest for Energy Security in the 21st Century.
On behalf of the PAG Leader for International Energy Initiatives, Ms. Yukari Yamashita, Senior Economist, IEEJ, Mr. Matsui delivered her comments to the EGEDA delegates.
Mr. Andrew Dickson, Senior Economist, ABARE, provided a report as leader of the PAG for "A Quest for Energy Security for the 21st Century".
Both Ms. Yamashita and Mr. Dickson congratulated APERC on the successful completion of these research projects and noted the high quality of the research.
There was no report from the PAG for "Urban Transport Energy Use in the APEC Region."
After discussion, Mr. Matsui proposed to abolish the PAG process. It was agreed that PAGs were no longer required to assist APERC to access project specific expertise. The proposal put forward by Mr. Matsui was accepted.

6. Other business

Mr. Dickson introduced a discussion on possible future activities that could be undertaken by EGEDA. One issue discussed is whether and how EGEDA might further develop its role as a focal point for energy statistics within APEC. He noted the importance of capacity building across member economies, and specifically developing economy members. Mr. Dickson noted the difference between multilateral and bilateral capacity building activities, and the resource and funding implications of each. After discussion it was agreed that the Chair develop a concrete proposal and seek approval from EGEDA representatives out of session and prior to EWG 35. It is anticipated the proposal will include a request for additional funds from the APEC Operation Fund for 2008.

7. Summary session

A draft of the summary record was discussed and accepted after amendments.
United States of America offered to host the 19th EGEDA Meeting in early 2008. The delegates welcomed this offer.
Lastly, Mr. Vore Veve, Director, Energy Division, Department of Petroleum and Energy, on behalf of Mr. Bernard Pawih, Acting Secretary of the Department of Petroleum and Energy, Papua New Guinea, made a closing address. Mr. Matsui expressed his appreciation to the Government of Papua New Guinea on behalf of all participants for the excellent hospitality and congratulated the staff from the Department of Petroleum and Energy for the smooth and trouble free running of the meeting.