Meeting Summary


1. A project advisory group will be established at, or shortly after, each annual EGEDA meeting for each of the proposed APERC research projects.

2. A project advisory group will be composed of interested EGEDA members or their designates. To ensure flexibility, the maximum size of a project advisory group will generally be limited to five members. Designates can be from the government, academic or private sectors. If the latter, the EGEDA member should ensure that there is no perception of unfair access. Each member economy is encouraged to participate in at least one advisory group per year.

3. The principal role of the advisory group is to provide professional review and comment to the APERC team leader and researchers responsible for the specific project and its various phases. The phases of the project for review and comment would typically include the project definition/outline, methodology, early results and drafts. The review and comment will focus on technical and methodological issues but may also include suggestions as to additional avenues to explore or data sources to investigate. Further, the advisory group may itself be a source of data, technical expertise and/or contacts for the research team. Lastly, the members of the advisory group or the group as a whole will provide to EGEDA, at the request of the Chair or Vice-Chair, its assessment of the quality and completeness of the research work.

4. It is anticipated that the advisory group and the researchers would communicate electronically at the beginning of each project and at key points over the life of a project. The APERC team leader for the project would be responsible for sending material to the group and for providing a minimum of two weeks for receipt of comments on any drafts.

5. The advisory groups are not intended, in any way, to restrict the independence of APERC. Ultimately, APERC is responsible for the quality and findings of its research and must have the discretionary power needed for this responsibility.

6. It is, however, recognized that situations may arise in which the suggestions of an advisory group, if accepted, may "significantly" change the direction and/or scope of the project. In such circumstances, the team leader responsible for the project will inform the President and Vice-President of APERC of the views of the advisory group. The President and Vice-President will make the decision concerning whether or not to alter the scope/direction of the project. This decision and its rationale will be communicated to the advisory group. As experience accumulates, EGEDA and APERC will develop a "rule of thumb" to define better the notion of "significant" change.

7. EGEDA and APERC will review the clarity, efficiency, and constructiveness of the terms of reference at the 2004 annual meeting of EGEDA. If necessary, the terms will be altered at that time. Thereafter, the terms of reference will be reviewed every three years starting in the 2007 meeting of EGEDA, or at an earlier meeting if a member of EGEDA requests the Chair to include it on the agenda.