Meeting Summary

The 20th Meeting of the APEC Expert Group on Energy Data and Analysis
Singapore, 14 and 15 January 2009

The 20th Meeting of the APEC Expert Group on Energy Data and Analysis (EGEDA) was held on 14 and 15 January 2009 at the Holiday Inn Atrium Hotel in Singapore.
The meeting was hosted by the Energy Market Authority, Singapore. Mr. Kenichi Matsui, Councilor, Energy Data and Modeling Unit (EDMC), Institute of Energy Economics Japan (IEEJ) chaired the meeting. Representatives from Australia, Brunei Darussalam, Hong Kong China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Singapore and Chinese Taipei attended the meeting. Representatives of the Asia Pacific Energy Research Centre (APERC) were also present. A representative of the International Energy Agency (IEA) attended the meeting as an observer and guest speaker. A representative of the APEC Secretariat also attended the meeting as an observer. The list of participants at the meeting is provided in the Annex.

The meeting commenced with the welcome address by Mr. David Tan, Deputy Chief Executive (Energy Policy and Planning), Energy Market Authority, Singapore, followed by an opening and thanking address by EGEDA Chair Mr. Kenichi Matsui.:

The meeting discussed the following items:

1. APEC energy statistics

Mr. Edito Barcelona, senior researcher, EDMC/IEEJ, assigned as the Coordinating Agency (CA) of this Group, made a report on the Annual Energy Data Collection for 2006 and 2007. He also noted that while the performance of data submissions from member economies has significantly improved, there are still some problems in terms of timeliness and consistency. He urged members to submit consistent data in a timely manner using the new format. He urged also the submission of the price data.
Ms. Momoko Aoshima, Researcher, EDMC/IEEJ made reports on Quarterly Data for 2008 and on CO2 Emission Data Collection for 2006 and 2007. First, Ms. Aoshima reported some inconsistency issues between annual data and the sum of quarterly data, which needed to be resolved. She reported also that the timeliness has been improved but the number of submission has fallen. She urged the submission of data for all member economies. Regarding CO2 emissions, Ms. Aoshima reported that ten APEC economies lack official CO2 emissions data, which presents a challenge to analysing the data and determining efficiency and emission trends. Ms. Aoshima reported a 2.1 percent growth in 2006 in CO2 emissions among APEC economies, and a 2.3 percent annual growth rate for 1992 – 2006. The issue of whether the CO2 database should be made publicly available was discussed and it was agreed that the EGEDA chair would seek EGEDA members’ views on this issue through email with EGEDA members urged to respond by mid-February 2009.
Then Mr. Shigeru Kimura, General Manager, EDMC/IEEJ made a report on Major Economic Indicators and APEC Energy Database. He urged cooperation of the member economies to complete the indicators in order to fill the identified data gaps. He explained the system configuration and also noted the APEC Energy Database website received over 70,000 visits during 2008, illustrating how the database is used widely by analysts and researchers worldwide. The CA agreed to send a formal request for the submission of data relating to energy indicators to all EGEDA focal points in May/ June 2009.
Mr. Barcelona presented an overview of the APEC energy situation. He reported that total primary energy supply in the APEC region grew at an annual rate of 2.0 percent between 2005 and 2006 while that of GDP was 3.8 percent. He also noted the revisions being undertaken to historical data by the CA and the potential for further revisions to improve the consistency of data.

2. Joint Oil Data Initiative (JODI)

Ms. Mieke Reece, Head of Oil and Gas Statistics Section, Energy Statistics Division, IEA, reported on Joint Oil Data Initiative (JODI) activities since the launch of the database in November 2005.
She reported first on the background and history of JODI and the current status of data submissions. There are over 85 countries/economies which are regularly participating in JODI covering about 95% of world oil production and consumption. Significant progress has been made in terms of completeness, timeliness, data quality and reliability. However, there are still issues with non-regular submission and non-submission of essential data such as stock levels and changes. Various efforts and activities, including meetings and training sessions, calls on Ministers through the 11th International Energy Forum (IEF) in Rome, in April 2008 have been undertaken with the payoffs already evident.
In 2008, trade data were released in March and a new JODI website was released in April. In 2009, adding to the routine work, data quality will be reviewed by an independent consultant and training will be undertaken in the Caspian Sea area. Expansion of JODI to other areas and inclusion of monthly natural gas data collection will be discussed at the 7th JODI Conference in Ecuador in the first half of 2009. Ms. Reece expressed her appreciation to EGEDA members for their continued support in improving the JODI database.
Mr. Barcelona reported the status of the monthly oil data collection in the APEC region and submission to the JODI database. A total of 20 of 21 APEC economies submitted the data on a regular basis. There has been an improvement in the timeliness and completeness of data but accuracy and completeness remain ongoing issues for some economies. Economies were therefore encouraged to continue to work to improve the accuracy of their data. He reported also that JODI training was held in Bangkok, Thailand in September 2008 for the Asia-Pacific region. It was attended by 9 APEC and 5 non-APEC countries/economies.

3. Other Activities

3a. Monthly Natural Gas Data Collection

Ms. Aoshima reported on the background of the monthly natural gas data collection noting that this activity has been carried out on a regular basis since July 2007. However, timeliness and completeness of data remains a challenge. Ms. Aoshima noted the quality of data submitted was relatively high with 10 of the 14 non-OECD APEC member economies submitting at least partial data and all OECD APEC economies submitting complete data. However, she noted that the completeness of data needed to be improved and encouraged member economies to submit data in a timelier manner. She added that the CA will continue to support the establishment of an international cooperation scheme on gas data collection similar to JODI. To further improve the performance of natural gas data submission, Ms Aoshima mentioned that the CA would be providing capacity building for interested economies through a workshop in 2009.

3b. Workshop on Energy Efficiency Indicators in Bangkok in October 2008

Mr. Kimura provided a report on the Workshop on Energy Efficiency Indicators held in Bangkok, Thailand in October 2008. This workshop was organised by IEEJ in cooperation with the ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) and the Energy Policy and Planning Office (EPPO) of the Ministry of Energy in Thailand. Fourteen APEC economies participated in the workshop.
Mr. Kimura highlighted that the effective preparation of energy efficiency indicators needed to be supported by industrial energy consumption survey to collect subsectoral energy consumption data in the industrial sector and appropriate legal/administrative and data management systems, as well as by adequate funding. Further work will also be required to collect data from the residential and commercial sectors.
He also mentioned that IEA will be organizing an Energy Efficiency Indicators Workshop in Paris on 21-22 January 2009.
It was noted that development of energy efficiency indicators is an important activity which promotes improvement of energy efficiency and energy conservation in APEC member economies. The member economies were encouraged to actively participate in, and provide their cooperation to, the activity.

3c Energy Efficiency Measures in Singapore

As part of the energy efficiency theme, Ms Wei Mei Hum of the Energy Market Authority of Singapore, made a presentation on Energy Efficiency in Singapore. She reported on the strategies and plans integrating whole-of-government efforts to improve energy efficiency including the promotion of energy efficient technologies, raising public and business awareness to energy efficient behavior and practices and capacity building in energy management.

4. APERC’s Research Activities

4a APEC Energy Overview
Ms. Lily Yeqing Cheng, researcher, APERC, outlined the preparation and content of the eighth edition of the APERC publication entitled “APEC Energy Overview 2008.” She also highlighted different energy efficiency improvement policies, infrastructure developments, energy source diversification, upstream developments and environmental policy development in member economies. She stressed the importance of the continued support from member economies in the preparation of the overview. In particular, she requested that member economies provide information on notable energy developments to the EWG in time for the compilation of the Overview. APERC reiterated its willingness to work with all member economies to ensure that the information is as accurate and up-to-date as possible.

4b Report on Fiscal Year 2008 Research Activities
In fiscal year 2008, APERC conducted three research projects:

1. APEC Peer Review on Energy Efficiency (PREE)
Dr. Yi-Hsieh Huang, researcher, APERC, reported on the background, objectives, principles and guidelines of the APEC Peer Review on Energy Efficiency (PREE). He also reported that the first review will be undertaken in New Zealand in early 2009. The second one will commence in Chile in March 2009 with the third one in Vietnam in June 2009 and the fourth scheduled in late 2009.
It was noted that PREE is one of the core activity of the EWG for the coming years and members of EGEDA should play a substantial role as energy data is indispensable for the development of policy on energy efficiency in member economies. The EGEDA members were encouraged to liaise with relevant officials in their economies to support the PREE activity led by APERC.

2. Understanding Energy in China
Dr. Qinhua Xu, researcher, APERC, reported on the first phase of the project and then outlined the expected outcomes for the second phase of the project. She added that to complete the study, a mission trip to China will be carried out made in February/March 2009 and key discussion points will be presented at the APERC Annual Conference in Tokyo in February 2009. The focus of the study will be on the implementation of energy efficiency policies at the national, regional and enterprise levels.

3. APEC Energy Demand and Supply Outlook
As agreed by the EWG, APERC undertakes a comprehensive energy demand and supply outlook for the APEC region every two years. The next outlook is scheduled to be completed in 2009.
Mr. Norihiko Okumura of APERC reported progress on the project covering its background, objectives, tentative assumptions and milestones. He noted the uncertainty surrounding the global economic outlook and long-term oil prices as key drivers of the APEC energy sector outlook to 2030. He also noted the importance of taking into account the potential impact of government policy development on the outlook for member economies.
Preliminary results will be provided for comments and discussion at the APERC’s forthcoming annual conference in February 2009.

4c Proposal for Fiscal Year 2009 research themes
Mr. Kenji Kobayashi, President, APERC proposed two main themes for research projects to be undertaken by APERC in 2009/10. These are:

1. Energy Efficiency in APEC Region, and

2. Sustainable Energy Future in APEC
Under the first theme, the following projects will be undertaken:
- Compilation of a compendium of energy efficiency policies of APEC member economies
- Identification of high performance policies/programs for energy efficiency improvement in APEC
- Analysis of energy efficiency improvement potential in APEC
Under the second theme, to support APEC leaders’ 2007 Action Agenda, several projects will be developed over a number of years in addition to the energy outlook. APERC presented the vision of sustainable energy future, which should include the following:
• Energy efficiency improvements in all sectors
• Low-carbon energy such as renewable energy, carbon capture and storage, and nuclear
• Alternative vehicle propulsion systems, such as electricity, hydrogen and biofuels
The energy efficiency improvement potential project will be the first project contributing to the vision of sustainable energy future building on relevant work being undertaken in other forums like the East Asia Summit (EAS). APERC will develop a more detailed research program relevant to this vision.
After discussion, EGEDA members agreed the proposals were appropriate and timely and were responding to EWG and APEC priorities.

4d Discussion of APERC Activities
Mr. Mitsuo Matsumoto, Director, METI, Japan, reported on the Comprehensive Review on the APERC Activities and Performance for the Period 2004-2008 and the APERC’s New Medium-Term Strategic Plan for the Period 2009-2013. The review showed that objectives and targets were sufficiently achieved during the period with cooperation provided by member economies, and the new medium-term strategic plan including the PREE activity was considered appropriate. The EGEDA members supported the comprehensive review and the strategic plan for the period 2009-2013.

5. Other Business

This is broken down to US$20,000 for the publication and distribution of the “APEC Energy Statistics,” the “Handbook of APEC Energy Statistics” and the “CD Rom”. In addition, US$10,000 was allocated for capacity building of energy statisticians in APEC. The proposal was approved by EGEDA members who attended the meeting.
New Zealand offered to host the 21st Meeting of the APEC Expert Group on Energy Data and Analysis. The delegates welcomed this offer.

6. Summary session

A draft of the summary record was discussed and accepted after amendments.
Mr. Matsui expressed his appreciation and thanks to the Government of Singapore on behalf of all participants.